Subtle As a Truck, Charlie
on December 10, 2018
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Boys' Night
Characters: Charity Cheeger, Charlie Cheeger
Location: manager's office, Rough House bar
What’s the point of signing into Netflix, Charlie? You know your sister has no chill.
For those wondering about last week’s exams: passed the written, need to re-take the orals, which is a fairly common result. I’ll get it before graduation time!
Go to her, Charity
“Never stopped these guys before.”
Ain’t THAT the truth!
Heh….that it most DEFINITELY is. 😀 😀
That’s a good idea, even if he is the champion of obvious.
Like I said on Patreon, I wanna see Roxie in one of those swimsuits, 50% (or more) off… 😉
I feel like this is gonna go badly… I just want the group to get out of the situation where they’re reliant on her father allowing the place to continue. Struggling to make enough to survive is one thing, but constantly having to worry about ‘is this when the family forces her to ruin the place and we have to wait for 20-50 pages before it gets back to the kind of plot I read this comic for?’ that’s kinda stressful.
Well I’m curious now, what is the kind of plot you read the comic for?
I like the characters, I wanna see them succeed! I get that it’s going to be bumpy, but surely there’s only so many times you can go ‘the tavern is on the verge of being sold for spare parts… And the prom is tomorrow!’ before even the other readers would get tired of it? I’m hoping it’ll be inevitable that they’ll eventually move on to problems like ‘how do we make this MORE successful?’ rather than ‘we’re literally days away from losing our job, house, and spare-time habits unless we convince our corporate overlord to keep us around’
I mean, even ‘Prequel’, which has ‘making a cat cry: the adventure’ as a sub-title, eventually ended up letting the protag get SOME progress, there was only so many times the author could yank her back to nothing without being blatant about it.
Oh, but as a more direct answer; I read the comic to see the characters interact. The tavern stuff is secondary. But I do enjoy the ‘positive’ side to that too (and yes, some failure is needed to make the success feel genuine; It’d just be hollow without some struggle).
Well, notice here that the only person who regards the current turn of events as a problem is Charity. 🙂