Posting from MFF! Successfully moved, new job acquired, life is changing at a breakneck pace around me! But some things never change, like what a bombshell Tiffany is. I miss you, gal!
Posts Tagged Suburban Jungle Classic
Before there was Langley there was… Leona Lioness! Tiffany Tiger’s former jealous rival, now living large and in charge as a full-fledged diva. I’d say that was a big ol’ life upgrade. “But still crazy, after all these years,” Leona[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Meanwhile, In An Alternate Universe…
I think (think!) the 16-ton weights have all been dodged, and that next week should get me back to doing things like actually drawing comic pages. This is the piece I was planning to post back on the 19th, so,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Bonus Art, Bikini Edition!
I promised my Patreon subscribers that when we hit $200/month I’d let them pick a bonus art image, and the winner was a redraw of this Suburban Jungle Classic image. I’m going to do another bonus image when we hit[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Twenty Years of Suburban Jungle!
Time flies when you’re having fun, eh? The first Suburban Jungle comic ran on February 1, 1999, in what feels like a whole other world. Supermodels were a thing. Being super-into ’80s music was a perfectly reasonable idea. Having an[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…