Boys' Night
26 comics.
Issue 8 Cover!
In comes Charlie Cheeger, rockin’ that pink shirt. Issue 8 launches October 1! The main page (here) will be quiet for the next few weeks so I can concentrate on getting pages done– but of course Patreon subscribers can see[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Langley the Cimmerian
How Wolves Are
“I’m a cheeger, how should I know how wolves are?” “So how are cheegers?” “High-strung hyperactive drama queens?” “…Seems legit.”
Deflector Shields Activated!
on October 15, 2018
at 12:01 am
Cheegers don’t roar, but motorcycles can… Okay, so it wasn’t ready by Wednesday. >.> Sorry about that. ^.^’ Hopefully it was worth the wait!
Charmie Cheeger
She Still Doesn’t Do Lawsuits
Charlie Cheeger, Exposition Boy
on November 19, 2018
at 2:39 am