Archive for langley-lupina
125 results.
Parker, Havin’ a Thimk
on December 13, 2022
at 8:00 am
Chapter: Boys' Night
Characters: Bounce Otter, Charlie Cheeger, Langley Lupina, Parker Peacock, Rufo Redwolf, Tiffany Tiger
Location: The Trend
It’s never a bad time to say, “WTH, Rufo?” Also, thank you to everyone who came and said hello at Midwest Furfest last week! 😀 I hope you’ll check out the archives too!
The (Jungle) Cat’s Out of the Bag
Rufo and Parker were Team Charity from the beginning. But no hostile suspicion from Langley? …Is she feeling okay?
Charlie Starts to Realize What He’s Up Against
on December 27, 2022
at 8:00 am
Chapter: Boys' Night
Characters: Bounce Otter, Cangrejo Diablo, Charlie Cheeger, Langley Lupina, Parker Peacock, Rufo Redwolf
Location: Missing Keys
Spiritwolf said he didn’t want a writer credit for the help he gave me with this story. His fursona is an invisible wolf, so I couldn’t draw him in as a cameo. So…
Dun, dun, dunnn…!
on January 3, 2023
at 8:00 am
Chapter: Boys' Night
Characters: Bounce Otter, Charity Cheeger, Charlie Cheeger, Langley Lupina, Parker Peacock, Rufo Redwolf
Location: manager's office, The Trend
And issue 8 is complete! 😀 A day they said would never come! I’m going to spend January and February focusing on Reclamation Project: Year Two and building up some buffer for issue nine (which has an outline already, the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…