Archive for rufo-redwolf
89 results.
It’s No Cone of Silence, But…
Yes, Virginia, Rufo CAN Take His Bandana Off
I Love This and Don’t Want to be Here
Rufo Has a Cunning Plan
on February 27, 2017
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Monkey Business
Characters: Cameo Appearance, Charity Cheeger, Drezzer Wolf, Langley Lupina, Roxie Fox, Rufo Redwolf
Location: beach
Chekhov’s Gun Show
on March 6, 2017
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Monkey Business
Characters: Bounce Otter, Charity Cheeger, Drezzer Wolf, Langley Lupina, Parker Peacock, Roxie Fox, Rufo Redwolf
Location: beach
Sheesh, leave Bounce out of an issue and he suddenly hulks out. This page has the most oblique of Love Hina references, so obscure that it hardly even counts. “The Bouncer and the Bird” was inspired by “Beauty and Blade.”[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And the Winners Are…
on March 13, 2017
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Monkey Business
Characters: Bounce Otter, Charity Cheeger, Drezzer Wolf, Langley Lupina, Parker Peacock, Roxie Fox, Rufo Redwolf
Location: beach
Hail the Conquering Heroes
on March 20, 2017
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Monkey Business
Characters: Bounce Otter, Charity Cheeger, Langley Lupina, Leonard Lion, Parker Peacock, Roxie Fox, Rufo Redwolf
Location: beach, Rough House parking lot
Today’s Joke Postponed For Feels
on March 27, 2017
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Monkey Business
Characters: Bounce Otter, Charity Cheeger, Langley Lupina, Leonard Lion, Parker Peacock, Roxie Fox, Rufo Redwolf
Location: Rough House parking lot, The Watering Hole
Leonard Loudmouth
on April 3, 2017
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Monkey Business
Characters: Bounce Otter, Charity Cheeger, Langley Lupina, Leonard Lion, Parker Peacock, Roxie Fox, Rufo Redwolf
Location: Rough House parking lot
Vicious case of Little Orphan Annie eyes strikes local populace. Only foxes unaffected. Shameless Plug Time! Multiclass Geek, a.k.a. Mrs. Gneech, has created this amazing Love Greater Than Hate Enamel Pin! For each pin purchased, $2 go to the Southern[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…