4-Panel Fun Time! Motion Detectors/Navel History by thegneech@gmail.com on July 30, 2018 at 12:01 am Chapter: Bonus Stuff!Characters: Bounce Otter, Charity Cheeger, Langley Lupina, Roxie Fox, Rufo Redwolf What can I say? Navels are very important to the culture of Missing Keys. *nods sagely* Related └ Tags: 4-Panel Fun Time, Bonus Stuff! Related Comics ¬ Talk to the Paw Issue Five, Page One Bonus Stuff for December 11, 2017! Well, She IS Half-Cheetah Dem Foxy Eyes
Roxie is the best at navel maneuvers! < 3
Was there a reason you felt the need to subject us to that naval barrage?
It was abs-olutely gratuitous.
*There’s* a pun that I can barely stomach…
I agree on the motion detectors
but to be honest never have experienced that anywhere
I have. Whoever decided it was a good idea to link bathroom lights to a motion detector didn’t think it through.
thats why you bring a mini flashlight the 2nd time
Bounce otter looks h-otter. I apologize for that pun.
I want to poke Langley and Roxie in the belly
Not gonna lie… those belly shots are pretty nice. … Sooooo when are we gonna get proper pin up prints? :3
Well, if you’re a Patreon subscriber… https://www.patreon.com/posts/langley-hair-of-20300582
thats why you bring a mini flashlight the 2nd time