Ask the Cast! January 2015
on January 30, 2015
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Bonus Stuff!
Characters: Cangrejo Diablo, Charity Cheeger, Charlie Cheeger, Comfort T. Tiger, Dover Cheetah, Faith Cheeger, Hope Cheeger
Location: manager's room
Trying a sketch quickies format. Lemme know what you think!
Also, we’re rapidly running out of questions. Quick! Ask some more!
-The Gneech
Poor Leona. Forgotten already. :={
Charity doesn’t know her aunt’s friends. 🙂
BTW, I love the way that the original Suburban Jungle ended with Leona realizing that Tiffany wasn’t as bad as she had made her out to be, especially when Tiffany said that she had every record that Leona had released.
So, does Charity have any cousins? And if so, what are they up to?
I’ve got one to ask. How big has your liger cousin gotten so far?
Hmm. Comfort, I like the way your mind works in naming you cubs. Faith, Hope, and Charity.