Backup the Train by on September 8, 2014 at 12:01 am Chapter: The Whine of the Ancient MarinerCharacters: Charity Cheeger, Langley Lupina, Obadiah OtterLocation: Rough House bar Those two never just “chat” about something. Related Related Comics ¬ The Cold Showers Were Occupied A Threee Hour Tooour… Ask the Cast! November 2015 Well THAT Wasn’t In the Script… Telling It Straight. Or Not.
*beats his head against a wall* I wish I could say that this situation is an isolated incident, but…
The volume increases exponentially with each panel 😀
*hackles raised*
Enough of the tsundere, Langley! You two get a room already! 😉
Nuthin’ more obnoxious than a drunk otter.
Obadiah never could handle his liquor.
their is only one way to decide who is the alpha…. JELLO WRESTLING MATCH!!!