Bonus Art, Bikini Edition!
I promised my Patreon subscribers that when we hit $200/month I’d let them pick a bonus art image, and the winner was a redraw of this Suburban Jungle Classic image. I’m going to do another bonus image when we hit $500/month, so if you’d like to help get us there you can subscribe today to get in now! 😉
The surfing lesson image is a bonus piece that appeared in the print edition of issue two. Was that really 2014??? O.o
-The Gneech
That is one lucky mouse.
And, surfing lesson looks accurate.
The Revenge of El Congrejo Diablo. Well, his little brother anyway. LOL
Someone should tell that crab that he won’t require an entire hot tub full of drawn butter.
I’m jealous of Wensleydale (no way in prrf that’s Ramses) right now