Bonus Stuff for 10/23/2017
Not exactly an “Ask the Cast” so much as a request from Twitter. Sorry for the late post, got a ton of stuff happening in the background here. 🙂
-The Gneech
Not exactly an “Ask the Cast” so much as a request from Twitter. Sorry for the late post, got a ton of stuff happening in the background here. 🙂
-The Gneech
I seem to remember a cougar starting this conversation on twitter… 😉
Verily, and forsooth!
Judging from panel 9, Gneech has about 16 tons of stuff in the background.
Isn’t the Neutral Evil the new old new Number 2 or is he the old new old Number 2? I’m so confused.
Yes! Er, no? Wait. I’m confused too. What was the question?
be seeing you. /o
You had to go pretty far back to find neutral evil. 🙂
What can I say? I don’t have a lot of truly evil characters. XD
Roxie: Chaotic good.
Roxie’s navel: Chaotic excellent. 😉