Charity CheesedOff
on April 2, 2018
at 12:01 am
Dammit Langley, didn’t I just warn you LAST ISSUE not to get the nice ones mad?
-The Gneech
Dammit Langley, didn’t I just warn you LAST ISSUE not to get the nice ones mad?
-The Gneech
Langley pushed it a bit too far methinks. It could come back and bite her.
Well… Frankly, that’s what you get for pushing her like that. Should anyone really be surprised Charity hit her breaking point?
You went just a bit too far this time, Langley. You could very well lose your job (unlikely. the comic wouldn’t survive XP ).
At least Langley has (apparently) finally realized that she’s gone too far. Too bad she had to provoke Miss “Gosh Darn it to Heck” into dropping an F-bomb on her before she figured it out. Smoooooth, Langley.
Maybe Langley’s upset because she’s interested in Charity.
oooh…that’s a good point.
Or maybe Charity’s just not into the gay lifestyle and is tired of having it shoved in her face all the time.
And Langley, calling your boss a “useless closet case” after she’s saved both your job and your “home” ain’t the best way to show gratitude OR intelligence.
*bites tongue for the sake of Gneech*
Why? I simply stated another possible explanation why Charity pretty much blew up in Langley’s face nothing more.
If you had gone with the second part of your comment I would gladly agree that it was another possible explanation.
Your first part is projection though and THAT’S why I was biting my tongue.
Charity does look cute in Langley’s outfit though
Agreed on the above. But my comment wasn’t “projection” as you stated, it’s first hand personal experience. The entire sequence of events starting when Roxy admitted she was “totally hitting on” Charity up to this strip was VERY familiar. And Charity’s response when she’d had enough was pretty much the same as mine.
While a few members of the group was in on teasing Charity, Langley was the most persistent and snarky….ie, didn’t know when to let up. Believe me, it gets VERY aggravating after a while.
And I also agree with JMWR as well as Gneech…..very astute take on it.
I kinda wonder if it’s more along the lines of she liked the compliments and thought the fox meant what she said. Then she sees how quickly she flirts with other new females and wonders “ummmm…. was she just trying to get into my pants?”. If it was me, and I was enjoying on some level someone really finding me pretty only to find out the person hits on anyone new then I’d feel like the compliments didn’t really matter, and thus make me sad. Regardless of orientation.
Now this comment makes the most sense of them all. bravo!
^_^ Well these responses made my day. Thank you!
Damn, but Langley has pretty eyes.
I forwarded that on! She got all flustered and said “Nani??? B-baka!!” and then punched me into orbit.
I admit that while I like her eyes, I really like her hair.
I hope re-entry wasn’t too painful. 🙂
Got a little warm. >.>
*Snnrk* 😀
And yes, Langley does have pretty eyes, and the purple hair sets them off nicely.