Charity Spills Her Guts. Ew.
on February 6, 2017
at 12:01 am
Y’know Charity, if you’d said something back on the first page of issue two, you could probably have saved yourself a lot of heartache. Just sayin’.
-The Gneech
Y’know Charity, if you’d said something back on the first page of issue two, you could probably have saved yourself a lot of heartache. Just sayin’.
-The Gneech
This has been a long time in coming… and I think Leonard’s going to be all too happy to give Charity leeway once the truth comes out.
He’s got to give her an “A” for creativity for this. Taking what you have and making the best possible western omelette with it is the mark of a good manager.
Charity really is in over her adorable head, isn’t she? Be warned, Leonard’s no fool and knowing what I know about him, he’s more inclined to be swayed by business prospects than emotion. This is an S-Rank mission, kitten. Good luck!