Crazy Like a Rox
on January 25, 2016
at 12:01 am
Roxie is not The Joker. Just making that clear. I wonder if the Rainforest Talent Agency still has that ’80s-tastic logo?
Roxie is not The Joker. Just making that clear. I wonder if the Rainforest Talent Agency still has that ’80s-tastic logo?
Is she crazy? Is that her problem?
Well, Charity could call her aunt Tiffany. That might guarantee a first place win. Nah. She wouldn’t do anything so underhanded. Would she?
Well, once Rain Forest finds out who her aunt is, it may not guarantee first place, but it will increase her odds, and make them look twice at her.
I wonder if Roxie knows who Charity’s aunt is.
Ah. Now the title pun makes sense, beyond all of them just posing.
Well now! This is going to either go amazingly well, or terribly badly.
Let’s see… granted, we don’t know the full set of rules, but it’s basically a beauty contest. At her disposal, Charity has herself, Langley, Rufo, Bounce, and Parker. Maybe Roxie, but right now I’m filing her as a wildcard since she has no formal affiliation to the Rough House, just good vibrations. To get the bare minimum of 10,000 Charity would need to pay off her uncle Leonard and keep the Rough House open (Assuming Leonard plays along), how much would they need?
With only five of them, one of them HAS to win First Prize. There’s no way the math adds up otherwise. Even if they got both Runner Up slots and 3 Honorable Mentions, they’d still end up just $1,000 shy of the total they need. And the best possible outcome they could hope for is somewhere around $13,000, which would probably give them a little wiggle room money.
Still, I’m curious to see why Charity is so invested in this bar. Clearly it means something to Rufo, Bounce, Langley, and Parker if they’ve stuck around. And that’s probably something we’re going to explore at some point in the story. But Charity’s had ample opportunity to back away from an increasingly bad situation, and instead she runs forward towards it. It’s curious, and makes me wonder if she has a personal reason to be invested in the place.
Eh, anyways, don’t mind me. I over analyze things when I like them. Comic is looking great, keep up the good work! 🙂