Does Racer X Know?
Someday Charity and Langley are going to agree on something, and the rest of the cast is just gonna be like, “Wait, what?”
-The Gneech
Someday Charity and Langley are going to agree on something, and the rest of the cast is just gonna be like, “Wait, what?”
-The Gneech
still with ‘manager’. it’s like Langley does it on purpose.
hmmm…if Claudia McCluckins was asked by Charity about wrestling…then I wonder why she called her for…..guess we shall see!
And the first staff misunderstanding of the official new regime.
Know thy client base Charity. Without a steady flow of current, the hotel won’t survive to build a new one.
Besides, pro wrestling isn’t as property damaging as an informal rumble. Usually.
Besides, pro wrestling isn’t as property damaging as an informal rumble. Usually.
And even then they supply their own furniture to destroy. (You can’t break a chair over someone’s head without causing severe injury unless it’s already broken.)
Someday Charity and Langley are going to agree on something, and the rest of the cast is just gonna be like, “Wait, what?”
And then they’ll immediately deny having agreed, thus starting another argument.
It’s cool to see what the characters do when they’re not at work!
And Claudia wants to bring back the brawl, I see. I wonder if Charity will cave in for business’ sake.