on January 22, 2018
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Rope a Dope
Characters: Charity Cheeger, Claudia McCluckens, Langley Lupina, Mistress Milk Maid, Roxie Fox, Tsunami Seal
Location: Rough House parking lot, the back deck
Here they are, true believers! Those bodacious babes of badassery, the princesses of punishment and pain, Lady Hatcher and her Henhouse Crew!
*cough* Sorry, I’ll stop that. ¬.¬
Anyway, Lady Hatcher, Mistress Milk Maid, and Tsunami are all copyright ©2017 by Jesse Cormarmond, and used with permission.
Langley, May I introduce you to Rainbow Dash?
RD, this is Langley.
Braveheart, Charity.
It’s actually funny to see Langly going completely fangirl.
By the way i just have to say, your dr who reference made me smile even more
Funny enough, in their “native setting”, all three of these babes are supervillains.
Where do I go to surrender? 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
And what, pray tell, is there “native setting”? I’ve done searches for Lady Hatcher, Jesse Cormarmond, and the Henhouse Crew, and I’ve come up with nothing relevant.
I looked for Mistress Milk Maid and came up with http://colmaton-multiverse-archive.wikia.com/wiki/Mistress_Milk_Maid
Then I searched for Colmaton and found: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WebOriginal/TheColmatonUniverse
I’m not actually sure if that’s the same Mistress Milk Maid or not. 🙂
Yup. Created by WolfRider. Ditto with Lady Hatcher (a big time organized crime figure) and Tsunami (an ecoterrorist). Still love this interpretation of them!
And how do I know this? I’m a collaborator in the Colmaton Universe myself.
You should be apologizing for STOPPING.
I find it funny they would show up in a white dodge caravan :p
😀 That will be addressed, actually. 😉
Stan Leemur? Bwa-ha-ha! I love it!
… I just now got it. :facepalm:
Good one, Gneech; well played!
This is going to be good!
Just don’t die, Charity. D: