Hail the Conquering Heroes
on March 20, 2017
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Monkey Business
Characters: Bounce Otter, Charity Cheeger, Langley Lupina, Leonard Lion, Parker Peacock, Roxie Fox, Rufo Redwolf
Location: beach, Rough House parking lot
As the warm glow of the setting sun bathes us in its light, we say… “WTF, Rufo.”
-The Gneech
Yay, Rough House is here to stay! So does Rufo dye that part of his hair blue, or is that a bandanna?
It’s the bandana.
Looks like a bandana tied in the back to me. On the other hand, he could just dye that one area red.
Rufo’s hair is red, but only a little tuft of it in front is visible when he has the bandana on. 🙂
Ah, that makes sense! Thanks all 🙂
At least the buff hard body She-Wolf with the purple hair and attitude got ‘Honorable Mention’ like I hoped. ;-D
Thanks Gneech.
Hmm. From that look on Leonard’s face, I’m getting the impression that he’s going to pay for the repairs himself and allow everyone to keep their winnings. But, I’ve been wrong before. LOL.
I’m kinda getting the feeling he’s more proud of her than anything..
but there’s still the deductible on the insurance. He might have HER pay it, as a way of just turning over the entire hotel to her and washing his paws of it. It is what she wants and she proved she wants it so… now it’s her time to sink or swim.
Atta way, Charity! <3
Is Charity sunburned or is that an effect of the sunset on white fur?
Sunset. 🙂
I have a feeling that Monkey dude is willing to pay more than this.
Maybe, but that might make Charity cry, and Leonard couldn’t allow that!
Rufo, you don’t hit on a married man.