Hy vonder vot Claudia’s gurls vill say ven de local crowd decides to join de fracas. They might be professionals, bot de Rough House crowd iz enthusiashtic emateur bravlers vho tink takink a shtraight punch iz goot fon…
You can know Pro Wrestling is scripted and pre-planned and still enjoy it. We all know Batman’s going to beat the Joker, but we still watch the movie.
Plus, professional wrestlers are still genuine athletes, rampant steroid use notwithstanding. Not only do they need to be able to perform all those moves, but they also need to be able to do them (and have them done to them) without actually causing serious harm to each other. I certainly know *I* can’t lift a 300-pound man over my head and safely piledrive him through a table.
With the recent shutdown of Project Wonderful, we are currently examining our options for this section. Meanwhile, if you'd like to support the comic...
Now, that’s not nice Charity. What would your mother sa..no..wait..she’d the same thing, nevermind
Actually, I have to give Claudia points here. She IS making sure the Rough House is covered…
I wonder what Langley will say when she finds out the fights are rigged.
Hy vonder vot Claudia’s gurls vill say ven de local crowd decides to join de fracas. They might be professionals, bot de Rough House crowd iz enthusiashtic emateur bravlers vho tink takink a shtraight punch iz goot fon…
If Langley does NOT know “professional” wrestling is scripted, she has led a far more sheltered life than is imaginable.
You can know Pro Wrestling is scripted and pre-planned and still enjoy it. We all know Batman’s going to beat the Joker, but we still watch the movie.
Plus, professional wrestlers are still genuine athletes, rampant steroid use notwithstanding. Not only do they need to be able to perform all those moves, but they also need to be able to do them (and have them done to them) without actually causing serious harm to each other. I certainly know *I* can’t lift a 300-pound man over my head and safely piledrive him through a table.