I’m Distracting You, Turd-Blossom! by thegneech@gmail.com on January 2, 2017 at 12:01 am Chapter: Monkey BusinessCharacters: Charity Cheeger, Leonard Lion, Morrison MonkeyLocation: Rough House bar To heck with the Friday Night Rumble, we need a Rough House Dance-Off! -TG Related Related Comics ¬ Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Leave Me Alone Chairs, Rocks, and Ta-Da Noises Rufo Has a Cunning Plan Roxie Uses “Shameless Flirt”! Twenty Years of Suburban Jungle!
Charity reinds me oh so much of twilight sparkle with a touch of fluttershy and rarity.
It’s not a bad comparison. 🙂
Well, consider whose genes she has.
I guess Langley accounts for the other three of the Mane Six.
Langley is a big ole scoopful of Trixie with a heavy helping of Rainbow Dash
can’t wait to see how this turns out.
Mr. Monkey is SO impressed. If he was any more impressed, he might actually remember to breathe. LOL.