I’m Pretty Sure He Can by thegneech@gmail.com on March 12, 2014 at 12:01 am Chapter: Charity Takes ChargeCharacters: Charity Cheeger, Langley LupinaLocation: Rough House bar Yeah, Langley didn’t really think that one through. Related Related Comics ¬ You Want She Should Hit on Her Enemies? Goes Down Smooth She Saw What You Did Thar 4-Panel Fun Time! Issue Nine Cover
awww i am sure they will be … “best friend” soon…
Clearly not the brightest bulb in the pack. Hoo boy.
Well, it is a pretty dim pack generally…
Uh oh. Twitchy-two-tail level achieved.
i see charity has inherited her mothers slyness. 🙂
More her father’s actually, but her mother’s energy. 🙂
I like the twitching tail tip off to the side of the last panel.
Langley is thinking, in panel three, “Don’t confuse the issue with facts!”
And in the last panel she is in denial about being “demoted”.
Sounds like Langley feels like Charity is encroaching on her territory and Alpha status of the bar.
That is if characters still have a strong instinctive nature to the animal they represent.
And I was afraid this was going to end up a physical fight for dominance. I mean, big cat vs. lone wolf, not exactly a fair fight.
Depends on the wolf. *BIG silver-toothed grin*
And I’m pretty sure Langley is at least three feet shorter than you, Saar.
*LOL* At least if not a bit more. 😉