Issue Two Front Cover
on June 9, 2014
at 12:01 am
Chapter: The Whine of the Ancient Mariner
Characters: Charity Cheeger, Langley Lupina
Location: out at sea
It’s official! Issue two launches June 30th. If you’d like to see it sooner… there’s a Patreon for that. 😉
What are Charity and Langley so scared of? Title banner, it looks like. Given the stormy ship at sea, my second guess is Cthulhu.
Darn that wacky Cthulhu. >.>
Actually, this is probably the single most ambitious Suburban Jungle image I’ve ever done, and I’m kinda pleased with it. ^.^’ You’ll see some art shifts in this issue from the first issue, as I become more comfortable with everyone’s character and improve my techniques. Let me know what you think!
-The Gneech
Those two are either really freaked out about something, or this is the worst duet in history. 😉
The unremitting horror of cat singing!
Hmmm , is that the S.S. Venture in the foreground?
Well spotted! That is what I used for the model. 🙂
… holy smokes, it’s alive o.o…
I relegated this URL to the dead pile many moons ago, but on a whim and opened all the links to see if any of them revived/recovered and hey presto.
This is a new series. The original SJ is up at
Welcome aboard for the new ride!
Looks like ruff seas ahead. Let’s see, metaphors, puns, this cover has it all.
Now, can the issue live up to it? 😉