Judge Me By My Sighs, Would You? by thegneech@gmail.com on April 14, 2014 at 12:01 am Chapter: Charity Takes ChargeCharacters: Charity Cheeger, Roxie FoxLocation: beach In Roxie’s argot, “dude” is a non-gendered pronoun. Related Related Comics ¬ Charity Spills Her Guts. Ew. I Hear She Begins At Home Parks, with Rocks and Chairs Chairs, Rocks, and Ta-Da Noises Bonus Stuff for 10/23/2017
The wet suit should have been yellow with black striping.
But it at least looks like Charity will have a friend to help her over the rough areas.
Roxie is not a member of the Argo crew.
So, you’re saying she’s an Argo-not?
I am most definitely not saying that. ¬.¬
Of course “Dude” is gender neutral.