Lobo En Una Estrangulación by thegneech@gmail.com on April 9, 2018 at 12:01 am Chapter: Rope a DopeCharacters: B.J., Langley Lupina, Mistress Milk Maid, Parker Peacock, Rufo RedwolfLocation: Rough House bar Honestly, he lasted longer than I expected. -The Gneech Related Related Comics ¬ How Wolves Are Telling It Straight. Or Not. There’s Something You Don’t See Every Day Some Parts Are More Closed Than Others The Suits Are Picking Up the Bill
He’s loving every second of it!
Dammit, I had Rufo down for two point seven eight in the pool! Man… *pulls out wallet*
He’s facing the wrong way to be enjoying this. C/mon Milk Maid, you need to make this more of a show.
Agreed. They’re going to lose their audience if the wrestling match is over in less than three minutes.
I suspect that Charity is going to put up the best fight.
I don’t know what I find more amusing… the time… or rufo’s expression in the last panel.
There is always a day in every child’s life when he discovers that a cape does not grant one the ability to fly.
“Really, it was all the flash I was after. Didn’t really think this through.”
Totally worth it!!!
At least he didn’t go with “Lobobo-bo Bo-bobo”.
o/` Banana-fana fobobo… o/`
Ah yes, the show that’s impossible to abridge.