Only Slightly Killed
Don’t worry, Rufo’s sparkles will protect him.
Well, she didn’t just lose her sandals, she lost her socks too. Not sure how that happened. Fixed version is up! You didn’t see aaaanything… *waves hands spookily*
Langley’s gonna murderalize him!
“And Langley did lay waste to the beachside with muderation.”
I’m going to call it at this point. The way the build-up is going, Rufo’s got wrestling training, and is going to be the one who wins a match.
Yeah, I’d bet a twenty on Langley.
No bet here. Langley’s got a LOT of pent up resentment for Rufo that in the past she couldn’t just kick his ass w/o possibly getting fired or arrested for assault. Now she’s gonna get the chance to “air her grievances” whilst “training” Rufo for the matches.
Rufo’s buff and quite probably strong as hell, but Langley’s a scrapper….like she said, she didn’t get those ear notches by ‘playing nice’, Roller Derby ain’t a game for lightweights. So I think she’s gonna have herself quite a bit of fun “teaching” Rufo. 😀
Gonna make a BIG tub of hot buttered popcorn!!!
Addendum: That last panel totally says it all and exemplifies what I just posted. *evil grin*
And I love the uncertain look on Rufo right now.
Schrodinger’s Sandals would be a good band name, Gneech. Just saying.
Maybe she kicked her sandals off?
I agree with Mad David. There’s been too a big build up about how much experience Langley has and how Rufo doesn’t know anything about wrestling for this to be a cake walk for Langley.
I also think that Charity is going to have to get into the wrestling act, just because she hates the thought.
Hey Gneech, you missed something else – Langley’s yellow and black striped stockings (leggings?) are missing, too.
Wow, you’re right. O.o