Probably Not What Leonard Wanted to Hear
on August 11, 2014
at 12:01 am
Chapter: The Whine of the Ancient Mariner
Characters: Charity Cheeger, Leonard Lion
Location: manager's room
As Charity’s father would say,
…or something like that.
Sometimes… the business plan is the hardest part.
You Know, I just Realized the Suburban Jungle Ended Just 5 Years Before Rough Housing Began, & yet Charity’s in her Twenties, & Even if the Entirety of SJ Took Place Within 1999, RH would Still Have to Be a Little Ways into the Future, so Does Charity Know Who Won the Eighth Generation Console War? I Hope Nintendo Won!
Sooo… we get to see the previous manager, eh? It took me at least two times through (ok, three) before I saw him.
Nice catch!
You must be referring to the bear in the Hawaiian shirt.