Somebody’s Been Sleeping in My Bed
on March 26, 2014
at 12:01 am
Chapter: Charity Takes Charge
Characters: Charity Cheeger, Parker Peacock
Location: manager's office, manager's room
It’s actually neater than I expected, under the circumstances.
Looks like Langley is going to have to start paying rent somewhere.
I get the distinct feeling the Langley was under the impression that she could convince the new manager that she was in charge and the new manager was not needed.
She did not, however, count on a Cheeger showing up, who is the owner’s niece and sharp as a tack.
Charity will have to give Langley a day or two to get a new room and move her stuff out.
This is going to be interesting, almost in a Chinese curse sort of way. :=3
Well, Langley WAS the manager. Up until now. Somehow I get the feeling that being kicked out won’t go a long way towards making a good work environment.
Also, pink bra and panties? Didn’t figure Langley for the type, but maybe she has a few surprises in store.
Live-in apartment? Guess who’s your new roommate? 😀
she “made herself at home” for sure lol