Something Familiar About That Guy
If you’d like to know more about Drezzer Wolf, Charity’s mother, or even the Rainforest Talent Agency, check out The Suburban Jungle (Starring Tiffany Tiger)!
Oh, and before anyone asks, the lioness is not Leona or Athena. But it wouldn’t surprise me if she were related.
-The Gneech
I missed Drezzer. and now I want to smack Langley for messing up his name. grrr!
I was expecting this!
Since you mentioned drezzer in the last page in the comic
I saw this coming xD
Hiiiii Drezzer! <3 Still as impeccable with the fashion sense as ever…
Heh. My first reaction:
(I’ve been archive bingeing Wapsi Square recently.)
I like his little rainbow necklace. Gotta wonder if the old wolf’s still single or not.
Rufo’s poses and body language continue to amuse me. Dat first panel Rufo… Man. He’s just eager to take Drezzer for a spin, isn’t he? And Langley, I wouldn’t be SMILING about this development…
He’s married these days, actually, to a puma from Missing Keys believe it or not.
Wow! I know he’s older than he was in “The Suburban Jungle”; but, has marriage aged him THAT much? I always did like Drezzer, especially when he was harassing Conrad. LOL. It’s good to see him make an appearance here. I hope some of the other characters do so, too.
Roxi seems to sense disaster is writ all over this development.
Somebody bout to get recused or disqualified from the competition.