Talk to the Paw by on February 5, 2018 at 12:01 am Chapter: Rope a DopeCharacters: Charity Cheeger, Claudia McCluckens, Langley LupinaLocation: Rough House parking lot ’cause the wolf ain’t listening! Related Related Comics ¬ End of Issue Three Issue Four Final Cover Now Pretend I’m Chris Hemsworth Close, But No Cigar Achievement Unlocked: Roxie Annoyed
Move over Tiffany, I think I have a new favorite….
What the hell did Langley say in the first panel????
It’s spelled “asdfjasdf” but it’s pronounced “Throat-Wobbler Mangrove.”
It’s not even a proper muzzle. It’s polystyrene!
She’s a very silly wolf and we’re not going to interview her!
She asked me! She asked me! <3
I love the fact Claudia just goes along with it!
I can just hear Langley saying her line in the fourth panel with a bad California valley girl accent.
Ohmygawd, TOTALLY, fer sure!