Twenty Years of Suburban Jungle!
Time flies when you’re having fun, eh? The first Suburban Jungle comic ran on February 1, 1999, in what feels like a whole other world. Supermodels were a thing. Being super-into ’80s music was a perfectly reasonable idea. Having an openly gay character who was happy in himself and important to the story was… crazy talk.
I wanted to have some great meaningful thing to say here, but honestly I’ve been drawing all day and my brain is mush… which suits somehow. XD I will say that it brought me a great deal of pleasure to draw the old gang again and to integrate Charity, who is clearly just excited to be there.
Which reminds me, starting this month Rough Housing will officially be switching to a two pages per month schedule, as my hand tremors are making it harder to get the pages done in a timely fashion and honor my various other commitments. On the other hand, that means the comic will run well into 2020, and you’ll be able to enjoy some of the OTHER stuff that I haven’t been able to get to. >.> Look for a big announcement from me and FurPlanet in March, for starters. (More on that later!)
Thanks as always to my awesome readers and Patreon supporters. You folks are absolutely why I’ve kept doing this for twenty years. I love you all. <3 And now, I need some sleep. G'nite! 😉
Twenty years?! Has it really been that long? Wow! Well congrats on a wonderful & fun trip. I know I’ve certainly enjoyed it and look forward to more insane fun yet to come. Keep it coming but be sure to take care of yourself as well.
I hope you feel like you’ve gotten your paid subscription’s worth. 😉
it all started off as a middle curiosity…and now it’s turned out to be quite a great spirit of adventure, don’t you think?
Hand tremors? :< I'm sorry, that sounds awful.
They’ve always been there, since I was a kid; they’ve just gotten a bit more pronounced as I get older. It’s not a super-bad thing, it just makes drawing take forever. ^.^’ Thanks, tho! ‘sokay!
Loved the series from the begining, question what happened to Leona”s cross necklace she used to wear?
Still has it, still wears it! You can see it here:
Thank you, she is much like a fair number of my fellow Christians and conflicted Christians make great characters.
I’m with you on that one Robert, and it’s something many comics don’t touch. Gneech hit the right balance of having it there but not over stated, just nicely running in the background. Well done Gneech!
Weird to think about how long it’s been since I worked on SJ. It was a really fun project, even on the occasion when I got the comic at the last moment. I do miss coloring it.
Good luck with the new stuff. Looking forward to see what you do with it.
I hope your hand tremors improve. I have been a fan of both versions of the suburbanungle comic for quite some time and wish you the best. Congratulations on hitting 20 years.
Thanks! 🙂
Two things: One, congrats on twenty freaking years (hard to believe I was reading Suburban Jungle and figuring out both my geeky passions and my own personal preferences via Dover and Drezzer so long ago…), because that’s something to be damn proud of!
Second, I hope that the hand tremors get better. Health comes first, so if you have to go to twice a month, then okay. That’s what you gotta do. I for one will still be here to read faithfully!
Thankee kindly!
If this is a little too personal, forgive me but it’s my 25+ years of medical experience that’s asking.
Are the tremors constant or sporadic? Have you had any tests to determine what their origin is?
Could it be a palsy? I knew a fantastic surgeon who whenever he was actually working on someone, his hands were rock steady, but the moment he put the instruments down he had a slight tremor.
Side note: One of the most memorable things about him other than his surgical talent was that when he talked…..he sounded just exactly like Jimmy Stewart. When I first started scrubbing in with him, I found it very difficult not to chuckle if not outright crack up when he’d call for an instrument.
And add my thanks too for 20 years of a truly wonderful and enjoyable webcomic.
I went to a specialist when I was a kid; they were trying to get a condition recognized as “scrivener’s palsy” in which the motor control filters to the right or left sides of your body did not fully develop. Thus, for instance, while writing with my right hand, my left hand twitches occasionally. This is a thing that happens to a lot of children, but usually they grow out of it by six or seven. In my case (and my father’s case) the control never completely develops.
The net result of this is I don’t have as much fine motor control– there’s a lot of “static” in my mental commands to my hands. So I draw wobbly lines that I have to erase and re-draw and erase and re-draw, and so on.
It has become more pronounced as I’ve gotten older– I’m 49 now, and starting to notice the effects of that. 😛 I don’t think I have any kind of neuropathy, but I am planning to discuss it with my doctor at the next checkup either way. 🙂