Way to Make That Hammock, Charity
on August 25, 2014
at 12:01 am
Chapter: The Whine of the Ancient Mariner
Characters: Charity Cheeger, Leonard Lion
Location: manager's room, Rough House parking lot
Now you get to lie in it!
Cue “Oh, Crap. I’m in it now!” epiphany.
A “Truth Bomb” in this case has a delayed fuse – she has to research and quantify the problems and the costs of the possible solutions, and see if they mesh.
One of the big problems is operating revenue – if the Staff is taking all the rooms, the rental revenue just dropped even lower. And I bet they’ve all spread out one per – I foresee doubling or tripling up, or turning a Conference room into a Bunkroom temporarily so there are rooms to rent.
Welcome to the world of Cost-Benefit Analysis