Well, that was unexpected. But then again, Charity’s not a wrestler and in truth probably doesn’t know the “game” as it were.
The question is, will getting sliced like that cause Tsunami to lose her cool to the point where Charity will REALLY have to defend herself. Leopard seals are after all highly aggressively predatory.
I AM surprised that Langley looks so damned shocked at this turn of events.
I would suspect that she’s never had anyone try to take a chunk out because most people going into the ring know ho to “play fight”. Plus being a higher level predator she isn’t used to prey attacking back. Then theres the fact everyone has described the girl as a creampuff.
a: She’s a creampuff, so she’s harmless!
b: Because she’s harmless, no need to teach her the rule!
c: uh oh… ah, she ain’t a creampuff, she was only being nice. And ‘nice’ just left the room. And she don’t know the rules… tread carefully Tsunami, you really don’t know who it is you woke up.
The most important part of this is the expression on Boss Chicken’s face. This isn’t just off script, it’s way the hell out of bounds period, and if it werent for the tons of releases and waivers everyone probably had to sign, it would be grounds for a lawsuit and possibly an arrest.
No matter how the fight ends, the contract is over and done with, if Bosslady has any care for her wrestlers.
I think that’s more a look of “Ummmm maybe it was a bad idea to put the lady who didn’t like this plan in the ring. And maybe a bad idea to have these people put together a rag tag group to test things out… maybe we shoulda contacted a friend or 3 instead.”
They took a group of untrained amateurs (hell even thats an overstatement of their knowledge – save for Langley) put them up against professionals and didn’t expect someone to lash out instinctively when pinned?
If Tsunami is a professional she’ll keep her cool, if not I’d argue it’s time for a new profession.
Well put Fittik. Particularly the first half of your post. I believe Charity’s lash out was pretty much entirely instinctive. As well as driven by a bit of anger by Tsunami practically driving her face into the mat, especially with that hand on the back of her head.
And that look on her face in panel 3 tells just how pi$$ed off she is…….she’s had ENOUGH!!!!!
And you’re quite correct. if Tsunami IS a real professional, and not just your basic brawler, she WILL keep her cool. If not, Charity could be in for a literal “fight for her life”. However, she’s quick, has tiger’s claws and as such could wreak quite a bit of havoc on Tsunami.
We’ll have to see who steps in first to chill things out before it gets any further out of hand. But I gotta admit…..I DO like the shocked look on Tsunami’s face in panel 5.
I dont know about “life or death,” unless unintentional like from. a OHK but definitely potential for serious injury. I kind of doubt it will come to that though. It’s just a scratch, plus Tsunami seems chill from the little we’ve seen from her. My guess is that the ref will call the match, and Charity will snap out of it, apologize profusely and be extremely embarrassed for losing it.
Regardless of the actual rules.. Tsunami is in very REAL risk of injury now, rules be damned.
The best thing she can do at this point is back off, paws up, and do not engage, along with an apology and to drop the act. The audience may not like it, but her getting claws up kinda trumps how they feel about it.
However if it’s not an act… she really IS that aggressive.. this is going to get dark, fast.
As someone with a bit of “show wrestling” experience, I can say that none of this had been done properly. If a roving troupe rolls into town, they don’t put on a show with local talent the same night they meet them. They don’t wonder who their opponent is going to be until the match starts. While the athleticism if very real, the “fights” are highly scripted and rehearsed. Charity isn’t going off script – there’s no script to go off. The coming reactions will be worth seeing, and I think the aftermath will be as bad for the troupe as it if for Charity & co.
Speaking as someone who’s read to the end of the issue, I gotta bite my tongue to avoid spoilers here. XD I will just say, there’s a lot of layers to what’s going on, they’re all bringing their baggage to the fight.
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Annnd someone just got maybe disqualified. Again.
oh, it’ll be far more than disqualified…
And someone else got disfigured… :-O
Well, that was unexpected. But then again, Charity’s not a wrestler and in truth probably doesn’t know the “game” as it were.
The question is, will getting sliced like that cause Tsunami to lose her cool to the point where Charity will REALLY have to defend herself. Leopard seals are after all highly aggressively predatory.
I AM surprised that Langley looks so damned shocked at this turn of events.
I would suspect that she’s never had anyone try to take a chunk out because most people going into the ring know ho to “play fight”. Plus being a higher level predator she isn’t used to prey attacking back. Then theres the fact everyone has described the girl as a creampuff.
a: She’s a creampuff, so she’s harmless!
b: Because she’s harmless, no need to teach her the rule!
c: uh oh… ah, she ain’t a creampuff, she was only being nice. And ‘nice’ just left the room. And she don’t know the rules… tread carefully Tsunami, you really don’t know who it is you woke up.
Judging from the boos and shocked expressions, this isn’t good. And most likely cause Charity to lose some friends too.
Also: Called it! I figured that this might happen as Charity was riled up and would probably use her claws and fangs on the seal.
Also is this first time time Gneech drew blood in his comics?
I suspect that the She-Devil has just arrived. she will go out for her tavern. she will be fighting, not wrestling, and will be called on rules.
Ooooooooh dear. And things just went pear-shaped.
Called it: going way off script.
This may turn into a REAL cheetah/”lion” fight with no holds barred.
The most important part of this is the expression on Boss Chicken’s face. This isn’t just off script, it’s way the hell out of bounds period, and if it werent for the tons of releases and waivers everyone probably had to sign, it would be grounds for a lawsuit and possibly an arrest.
No matter how the fight ends, the contract is over and done with, if Bosslady has any care for her wrestlers.
I think that’s more a look of “Ummmm maybe it was a bad idea to put the lady who didn’t like this plan in the ring. And maybe a bad idea to have these people put together a rag tag group to test things out… maybe we shoulda contacted a friend or 3 instead.”
Also this proves that wrestling isn’t fake!
They took a group of untrained amateurs (hell even thats an overstatement of their knowledge – save for Langley) put them up against professionals and didn’t expect someone to lash out instinctively when pinned?
If Tsunami is a professional she’ll keep her cool, if not I’d argue it’s time for a new profession.
Well put Fittik. Particularly the first half of your post. I believe Charity’s lash out was pretty much entirely instinctive. As well as driven by a bit of anger by Tsunami practically driving her face into the mat, especially with that hand on the back of her head.
And that look on her face in panel 3 tells just how pi$$ed off she is…….she’s had ENOUGH!!!!!
And you’re quite correct. if Tsunami IS a real professional, and not just your basic brawler, she WILL keep her cool. If not, Charity could be in for a literal “fight for her life”. However, she’s quick, has tiger’s claws and as such could wreak quite a bit of havoc on Tsunami.
We’ll have to see who steps in first to chill things out before it gets any further out of hand. But I gotta admit…..I DO like the shocked look on Tsunami’s face in panel 5.
I dont know about “life or death,” unless unintentional like from. a OHK but definitely potential for serious injury. I kind of doubt it will come to that though. It’s just a scratch, plus Tsunami seems chill from the little we’ve seen from her. My guess is that the ref will call the match, and Charity will snap out of it, apologize profusely and be extremely embarrassed for losing it.
Regardless of the actual rules.. Tsunami is in very REAL risk of injury now, rules be damned.
The best thing she can do at this point is back off, paws up, and do not engage, along with an apology and to drop the act. The audience may not like it, but her getting claws up kinda trumps how they feel about it.
However if it’s not an act… she really IS that aggressive.. this is going to get dark, fast.
Welp…this can only end in tears now.
go charity go! fight for your life..literally! (or yknow, just run. as the Professa says, “coward. any day.”)
The LAST thing Charity will do, regardless of what she’s facing, is run.
This girl’s got WAAAAAY more guts and grit than anyone imagines.
As someone with a bit of “show wrestling” experience, I can say that none of this had been done properly. If a roving troupe rolls into town, they don’t put on a show with local talent the same night they meet them. They don’t wonder who their opponent is going to be until the match starts. While the athleticism if very real, the “fights” are highly scripted and rehearsed. Charity isn’t going off script – there’s no script to go off. The coming reactions will be worth seeing, and I think the aftermath will be as bad for the troupe as it if for Charity & co.
If decades of media have taught me anything, Charity’s about to get the crap kicked out of you.
And how is that? Tsunami’s going to flip out and go into “Berzerker” mode?
If that even BEGINS to happen, I guarran-damn-tee somebody, or SEVERAL somebodies will put a stop to it.
Speaking as someone who’s read to the end of the issue, I gotta bite my tongue to avoid spoilers here. XD I will just say, there’s a lot of layers to what’s going on, they’re all bringing their baggage to the fight.