Who Is… Nii-chan?
After 20-ish years in the furry fandom, I finally have a proper fursona, that’s Nii-chan. She was first conceived in a tweet, inspired by a binge watch of Love Live!…
“Sure, but let’s look at the facts.
-I have trouble getting up in the morning.
-I love carbs and bubblegum pop music.
-I’m bad at math.
Fast forward a week or two and I decided on a whim to commission a few artists to draw my usual leonine avatar as an anime schoolgirl… and as soon as I saw the one from Likeshine, I instantly fell in love. O.o Although I referred to her as “Gneech-chan” for a few days, she eventually evolved into Nii-chan and I became obsessed with her. XD 25+ Telegram stickers and a handful of larger drawings later, the lines of where “Gneech” ends and “Nii-chan” begins have become lost. Nii-chan is me, but she’s the best of me, without the years of depression/angst/unhealthy habits/baggage I had been carrying around but have been shedding over the past few months.
Also, as suggested by my Twitter followers, Nii-chan has taken over scripting duties for Rough Housing, so that should be interesting. Her first idea was the entire cast attempting to sneak into a Leona Lioness concert wearing trenchcoats and giant fake mustaches… XD
But hey, at least now, if I need a self-insert character for the comic, Nii-chan can jump in for me. 😉
-The Gneech
Trek fan…..+100pts.
“Cute but Weird”……just how I love ’em. 😀 😀 😀
Hee. 🙂
Oh, I hope the cast sneaking into a Leona Lioness concert comes to pass. I love it when you give cameos to characters from the original Suburban Jungle.
It might! 😀 But not for issue eight. 😉
it better! *shakes fist*
I approve of this message, and such a cutie! And Cute but Weird is the only way to be! Life is far too short, and too filled with wonderful things to be any other way. *hug*
How does she feel about caffeine (specifically coffee or espresso)?
Soy lattes are her thing… except when pumpkin spice soy lattes are available. Mochas are good too.
Very Nice.
Thanks! 🙂
A ying to your yang? Hehehe sounds like you found a friend.
You got a friend in me…..you got a friend in me…
You’d better have a story some time where you-Nii-chan gets confused by some girl calling her brother or long-time male friend Nii-chan.
Okay, this is way cool and sweet~