manager's office
Don’t Remind Me!
Somebody’s Been Sleeping in My Bed
Leonard Flings a Truth Bomb
Roxie’s Burn-It-Down Plan Probably Still Best
A Threee Hour Tooour…
Man, Gilligan and the other castaways didn’t know how good they had it. In Other News! 2017 is gonna feature a lot of new beginnings for me, and also a lot of housecleaning around things that have been going a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
She Still Doesn’t Do Lawsuits
Charlie Cheeger, Exposition Boy
Subtle As a Truck, Charlie
What’s the point of signing into Netflix, Charlie? You know your sister has no chill. For those wondering about last week’s exams: passed the written, need to re-take the orals, which is a fairly common result. I’ll get it before[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Dun, dun, dunnn…!
And issue 8 is complete! 😀 A day they said would never come! I’m going to spend January and February focusing on Reclamation Project: Year Two and building up some buffer for issue nine (which has an outline already, the[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…