Rough House parking lot
Hail the Conquering Heroes
Today’s Joke Postponed For Feels
Leonard Loudmouth
Vicious case of Little Orphan Annie eyes strikes local populace. Only foxes unaffected. Shameless Plug Time! Multiclass Geek, a.k.a. Mrs. Gneech, has created this amazing Love Greater Than Hate Enamel Pin! For each pin purchased, $2 go to the Southern[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Group Photo, Revisited
End of Book One. 🙂 The print files are off to FurPlanet, and you can be sure I’ll blab about it the moment it’s available for purchase! We’ll have a few weeks of Ask the Cast, fanart posts, and other[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Business? In This Place?
Serene Charity is Serene
And in walked a mysterious, but noisy, stranger. “Claudia McCluckens” ©2017 by Jessey Comarmond, used by permission.
Here they are, true believers! Those bodacious babes of badassery, the princesses of punishment and pain, Lady Hatcher and her Henhouse Crew! *cough* Sorry, I’ll stop that. ¬.¬ Anyway, Lady Hatcher, Mistress Milk Maid, and Tsunami are all copyright ©2017[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…